Grizzly Adams – Reimagined
American Spirit – American Legend
Grizzly Adams
When it comes to the legend of “Grizzly Adams,” the legacy of “California’s Most Famous Mountain Man” conjures the indomitable, adventurous spirit he was recognized for, and the glorious landscape of the great American West he helped to settle.
In 2018, Adventure Outdoors Magazine recognized Grizzly Adams as one of the three greatest American outdoorsmen of all time alongside Buffalo Bill Cody and Ernest Hemingway. The real “Grizzly Adams,” whose true name was John Capen Adams [1812-1860] challenged both conventional norms and untamed nature, first by turning his back on a greed-driven society born from the California Gold Rush, and then by blazing a trail into the wildest parts of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range–where he built a cabin home in the wilderness, made friends with nearby Native American tribes, and found companions among some of nature’s untamed beasts, that especially featured his prized grizzly bears.
His larger than life exploits led the “Grizzly Adams” moniker to become a worldwide recognized icon that evokes images of buckskin clad men, burly beards, and nature’s wildlife denizens, to foremost include of course, the mighty grizzly. The Grizzly Adams Company honors this one time New Englander’s profound legacy, and celebrates his independence-seeking American soul that so many people admire and strive to emulate.

Grizzly Adams – Reimagined

The North American grizzly has lost 98% of its habitat south of Canada
Become a conservation hero
The Grizzly Adams® Company is honored to serve as a business partner of The Vital Ground Foundation, a charitable 501(c)3 organization and an accredited land trust working to ensure a future for grizzly bears and other wildlife. Vital Ground conserves and connects landscapes for remaining grizzly populations by purchasing properties and working with willing landowners to implement conservation protections.
Help us protect the wild walkways of our world. For grizzlies. For all walks of life. Forever.

Pop Culture
Grizzly Adams® currently represents new feature film and television IPs drawn from the exploits of the real Grizzly Adams, whose mountain-man life inspired a popular motion picture and TV series. “Grizzly Adams” became a household name after NBC’s, “The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams” TV series established new Thursday night record-ratings for the network in the late 1970s. Even so, today few people realize there was a real “Grizzly Adams” who migrated to the Sierra Nevada mountains to escape the confines of civilization after participating in the great California Gold Rush.
The IP’s new Grizzly Adams stories expound on his experiences, who western historians refer to as “The Greatest California Mountain Man Ever.” Not bad for a guy who started out as a down-on-his-luck Boston shoe cobbler.

The term GRIZZLY ADAMS is a registered trademark of The Grizzly Adams® Company.
The Grizzly Adams® Company
8306 Wilshire Boulevard, #582
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Email: [email protected]